
Como agregar día de la semana - Views Calendar Week con Drupal 7

Febrero 14, 2013


El módulo Calendar en su versión para drupal 7, no cuenta con la fechas al lado del nombre para la vista de Semana.

A continuación implementare una solución basada en los comentarios del issue reportado http://drupal.org/node/1248002 del módulo Calendar para obtener un resultado similar al presentado en la siguiente imagen.

Calendar Week con número de día.

Nota: Tener en cuenta que el código está hecho, partiendo que el primer día de la semana es el domingo.

  1. Crear la siguiente función

Agregar la siguiente función en el archivo template.php del tema activo.

function get_start_end_dates_for_week($week, $year) {
  $return = array();
  $date_string = $year . 'W' . sprintf('%02d', $week);
  for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
    $return[$i] = date('j', strtotime($date_string . $i));
  return $return;
  1. Copiar el archivo de template

Copiar el archivo calendar-week-overlap.tpl el cual se encuentra en la caperta theme del módulo Calendar a la carperta del tema activo.

<pre title="calendar-week-overlap.tpl.php"><?php
 * @file
 * Template to display a view as a calendar week with overlapping items
 * @see template_preprocess_calendar_week.
 * $day_names: An array of the day of week names for the table header.
 * $rows: The rendered data for this week.
 * For each day of the week, you have:
 * $rows['date'] - the date for this day, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
 * $rows['datebox'] - the formatted datebox for this day.
 * $rows['empty'] - empty text for this day, if no items were found.
 * $rows['all_day'] - an array of formatted all day items.
 * $rows['items'] - an array of timed items for the day.
 * $rows['items'][$time_period]['hour'] - the formatted hour for a time period.
 * $rows['items'][$time_period]['ampm'] - the formatted ampm value, if any for a time period.
 * $rows['items'][$time_period]['values'] - An array of formatted items for a time period.
 * $view: The view.
 * $min_date_formatted: The minimum date for this calendar in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
 * $max_date_formatted: The maximum date for this calendar in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
$header_ids = array();
foreach ($day_names as $key => $value) {
  $header_ids[$key] = $value['header_id'];
//dsm('Display: '. $display_type .': '. $min_date_formatted .' to '. $max_date_formatted);

<div class="calendar-calendar"><div class="week-view">
  <div id="header-container">
  <table class="full">
    <tr class="holder"><td class="calendar-time-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder margin-right"></td></tr>
      <th class="calendar-agenda-hour">&nbsp;</th>
      <?php foreach ($day_names as $cell): ?>
        <th class="<?php print $cell['class']; ?>" id="<?php print $cell['header_id']; ?>">
          <?php print $cell['data']; ?>
      <?php endforeach; ?>
      <th class="calendar-day-holder margin-right"></th>
  <div id="multi-day-container">
  <table class="full">
  <tr class="holder"><td class="calendar-time-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td></tr>
    <?php for ($i = 0; $i < $multiday_rows; $i++): ?>
      $colpos = 0; 
      $rowclass = "all-day";
      if ($i == 0) {
        $rowclass .= " first";
      if ($i == $multiday_rows - 1) {
        $rowclass .= " last";
    <tr class="<?php print $rowclass?>">
      <?php if($i == 0 && ($by_hour_count > 0 || !empty($start_times))) :?>
      <td class="<?php print $agenda_hour_class ?>" rowspan="<?php print $multiday_rows?>">
        <span class="calendar-hour"><?php print t('All day', array(), array('context' => 'datetime'))?></span>
      <?php endif; ?>
      <?php for($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++): ?>
        <?php $cell = (empty($all_day[$j][$i])) ? NULL : $all_day[$j][$i]; ?>
        <?php if($cell != NULL && $cell['filled'] && $cell['wday'] == $j): ?>
          <?php for($colpos; $colpos < $cell['wday']; $colpos++) : ?>
            $colclass = "calendar-agenda-items multi-day";
            if ($colpos == 0) {
              $colclass .= " first";
            if ($colpos == 6) {
              $colclass .= " last";
          <td class="<?php print $colclass?>"><div class="inner">&nbsp;</div></td>
          <?php endfor;?>
            $colclass = "calendar-agenda-items multi-day";
            if ($colpos == 0) {
              $colclass .= " first";
            if ($colpos == 6) {
              $colclass .= " last";
          <td colspan="<?php print $cell['colspan']?>" class="<?php print $colclass?>">
            <div class="inner">
            <?php print $cell['entry']?>
          <?php $colpos += $cell['colspan']; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
      <?php endfor; ?>  
      <?php while($colpos < 7) : ?>
        $colclass = "calendar-agenda-items multi-day no-entry";
        if ($colpos == 0) {
          $colclass .= " first";
        if ($colpos == 6) {
          $colclass .= " last";
      <td class="<?php print $colclass?>"><div class="inner">&nbsp;</div></td>
      <?php $colpos++; ?>
      <?php endwhile;?>
    <?php endfor; ?>
    <?php if ($multiday_rows == 0) :?>
      <td class="<?php print $agenda_hour_class ?>">
        <span class="calendar-hour"><?php print t('All day', array(), array('context' => 'datetime'))?></span>
      <?php for($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++): ?>
        $colclass = "calendar-agenda-items multi-day no-entry";
        if ($j == 0) {
          $colclass .= " first";
        if ($j == 6) {
          $colclass .= " last";
      <td class="<?php print $colclass?>"><div class="inner">&nbsp;</div></td>
      <?php endfor; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <tr class="expand">
      <td class="<?php print $agenda_hour_class ?>">
        <span class="calendar-hour">&nbsp;</span>
      <?php for($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++): ?>
        $colclass = "calendar-agenda-items multi-day no-entry";
        if ($j == 0) {
          $colclass .= " first";
        if ($j == 6) {
          $colclass .= " last";
      <td class="<?php print $colclass?>"><div class="inner">&nbsp;</div></td>
      <?php endfor; ?>
  <div class="header-body-divider">&nbsp;</div>
  <div id="single-day-container">
    <?php if (!empty($scroll_content)) : ?>
      try {
        // Hide container while it renders...  Degrade w/o javascript support
        // swallow 
    <?php endif; ?>
    <table class="full">
        <tr class="holder"><td class="calendar-time-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td><td class="calendar-day-holder"></td></tr>
          <?php for ($index = 0; $index < 8; $index++): ?>
          <?php if ($index == 0 ): ?>
          <td class="first" headers="<?php print $header_ids[$index]; ?>">
          <?php elseif ($index == 7 ) : ?>
          <td class="last"">
          <?php else : ?>
          <td headers="<?php print $header_ids[$index]; ?>">
          <?php endif; ?>
            <?php foreach ($start_times as $time_cnt => $start_time): ?>
                if ($time_cnt == 0) {
                  $class = 'first ';
                elseif ($time_cnt == count($start_times) - 1) {
                  $class = 'last ';
                else {
                  $class = '';
                } ?>
              <?php if( $index == 0 ): ?>
              <?php $time = $items[$start_time];?>
              <div class="<?php print $class?>calendar-agenda-hour">
                <span class="calendar-hour"><?php print $time['hour']; ?></span><span class="calendar-ampm"><?php print $time['ampm']; ?></span>
              <?php else: ?>
              <div class="<?php print $class?>calendar-agenda-items single-day">
                <div class="half-hour">&nbsp;</div>
                <div class="calendar item-wrapper">
                  <div class="inner">
                    <?php if(!empty($items[$start_time]['values'][$index - 1])) :?>
                      <?php foreach($items[$start_time]['values'][$index - 1] as $item) :?>
                        <?php if (isset($item['is_first']) && $item['is_first']) :?>
                        <div class="item <?php print $item['class']?> first_item">
                        <?php else : ?>
                        <div class="item <?php print $item['class']?>">
                        <?php endif; ?>
                        <?php print $item['entry'] ?>
                      <?php endforeach; ?>
                    <?php endif; ?>
              <?php endif; ?>
            <?php endforeach;?>
          <?php endfor;?>
  <div class="single-day-footer">&nbsp;</div>
<?php if (!empty($scroll_content)) : ?>
try {
  // Size and position the viewport inline so there are no delays

  // Show it now that it is complete and positioned
  // swallow 
<?php endif; ?>
  1. Modificaciones al template calendar week overlap.

Procedemos a remplazar la línea 30 la cual tiene un código comentado “//dsm(‘Display: ‘. $display_type .’: ‘. $min_date_formatted .’ to ‘. $max_date_formatted);” utilizando el siguiente código para calcular los dias de la semana del calendario de Domingo a Sábado.

$start_to_end_date = get_start_end_dates_for_week($view->date_info->week, $view->date_info->year);

Posteriormente modificamos el código en las lineas 40 y 42, para agregar el nuevo contador $i al foreach e imprimir los dias de la semana en el overlap:

<?php $i = 0; foreach ($day_names as $cell): ?>
  <th class="<?php print $cell['class']; ?>" id="<?php print $cell['header_id']; ?>">
    <?php print $cell['data']; ?> <?php print $start_to_end_date[$i]; $i++ ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Espero que la lectura haya sido de utilidad.

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